embrace responsibility

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Greater; better

Yesterday was the ladder to Today appearance while today reveals tomorrow. You can't talk of tomorrow without referring to today. Check this out, your preparation and hard work measure, was it okay yesterday and how about the result gotten from it. Was it Normal, abnormal or intermediate.

You got to re-fasten ur seat belt, re-tighten ur shoe, re-empower your life, re-focus, re-construct,refire and reprioritise your PATH to tomorrow.

Yesterday is gone, it might not be well plan but you have today left.

Think great to a better tomorrow, act great to a better future and work great to a better destiny.

Many are waiting, expecting the outcome, you've got not to let them down. So beautiful and handsome your face might be but when the rigour of life change them, allow it for tomorrow shall make them shine again

amb Samuel Alabi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome tip

embrace responsibility (3)