embrace responsibility

Friday, 29 August 2014

Something about Our True Self Parents Are Not Telling Us

There is something in every human that we could be but haven’t yet become; these are yet untapped, unreleased, undiscovered and hidden inside you. The word Potential comes from the word “Potency” meaning STRONG, POWERFUL AND EFFECTIVE. In a literal WORD, It is anything possible but as yet not actual; an inherent ability or capacity coming into being.

They are reservoirs of our energy and genius; our immeasurable power, energy and capacity when it seems hope are lost. Here listed are mine personal discoveries from previous writings, teachings, researches and mentoring drawn out to get you into a serious business of your life
  • This is the trapped man on your inside i.e. who you really are.
  • They are not dependent on what you perceive as your limitations, constraints or excuses; unbroken homes, unplanned pregnancy, sickness, financial incapacity and many others.
  • They are good when develop positively but harmful when not; they can be destructive when perverted
  • They are God given; meaning they has a purpose hanging on them that must be discover and fulfill.
  • They are realized when you say yes to your dream; i.e dreams are given when you draw them out.
  • Millions of lives survivals are also hanging on it and when you fail to realize yours, you deny those millions their survival too.
  • They are the solutions to most problems encountered by communities today and when they manifest, we get our problems eradicated.
  • They are designed in us into seeing possibilities in people, projects, causes and enterprises.
  • They are designed by the assignment God gave you to do.
  • Understanding your potential is the key to living a successful life on the planet earth.
  Has any one tell you this?; if yes what are you doing about them? and if not: is time start get into business.



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