embrace responsibility

Saturday, 5 January 2013


Welcome to 2013, since you made it, get ready to experience signs and wonders in all your ways. Many tagged the year 2013 with names much lovely, inspiring and empowering but i have to announce to you that your Responsibility is much needed in 2013 to achieve our desired dream.
        Responsibility coined from two words Response and ability is the require and relevant currency which i want to emulate enabling me to stop my grumble, complain and criticism. 2013 will require responding to issues in our society with your ability. Every challenges around us weren't present to be neglect but available for you to has something worth doing with your abilities. There are so many things you are able to do graciously and effortlessly which will birth our desired change. Look inside and outside, you are the change the world need at this moment, you are so important that the world can't do without you. No wonder, the bible says; we are a light set on a hill that can't be hidden. Get up from your hiding place, release the antidote in your safe, be a problem solver and not a problem creator,look for where there are no path and create one, your presence in that street, community or office must be felt positively. Make great opportunity of your time, find time to touch a life, give mercilessly, visit the depressed, be a friend to someone, save to help, walk to help, talk to rebuild, run to rescue, unite to protect, work to repair, sit to think about bringing change and be promoter of peace. You haven't find what to die for you have no worth to live. You aren't a failure, your background, status, nature or anything shouldn't' t be an excuse. Your ability is enough to respond to the needs of our community. The worn out shoes need a cobbler, the grasses need a mower, the water need to be sterilize, the hopeless need hope, the rejected need a comforter, the bereaved need who to console them, the captives need to be set free and the oppressed need liberty. 2013 require you taking action. Do something, remember, it is your Ability.
Samuel Alabi
January 2013

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