embrace responsibility

Monday, 6 May 2013


Don’t brag about tomorrow; each day brings it own surprises
Proverb 27:1 (CEV)
 Will start again on Monday or I’ll do it at a better time. To do what we have to do, there will always be tomorrow or Monday or next week. But tomorrow never comes.

In 1815, napoleon was prepared to attack wellington British army at dawn, but delayed this attack. The delay allowed the Prussians to arrive in time to attack the French there by turning French victory into a bitter defeat. Procrastination caused Napoleon to meet his Waterloo.

        Time is a valuable resources many never take cognizant of using it effectively toward productively, every hours passed with an opportunities to grow, get equip, develop and be productive; but why allow them to waste and slip away. Tomorrow syndrome has been a set pattern of procrastinating; putting off important time to a latter time; replacing high priorities action with tasks of low priorities; voluntarily delaying a course of action. Counting on tomorrow can become the great deception while those who delay actions yesterday regret taking those decisions. Why delay when time waits on no one except when the course require an analytical reasoning and must be immediate.

        God created time as part of his good creation, he transcend time existing in the past, present and future simultaneously and he is very concerned with how we use them on this earth: opportunities’ appear every minute to utilize them and construct a glorious future; but Satan and the world system want us to waste time and accomplish nothing of great values. 

Research estimated revealed that 15%-25% of the adult population procrastinates sometimes in their lives and students who procrastinate had significantly low grade than those who did not. 

And to today’s’ youth, tomorrow syndrome is a deadly syndrome; laziness make some to think that they are still young and can still catch up some times forgetting that they won’t remain a youth forever . Remember the common song; tick says the clock, tick, tick; what you have to do, do quickly. We all got a responsibility to take; embrace and awake to one today.

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