embrace responsibility

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

The Business of our Potential 3

A saving, healing and delivering potentials are all equipped in every one of us in gifts, talents, abilities, skills, grace, likes, dislikes, passion, personality, experiences in life in different forms, power, strength, shapes, sizes, capability, attributes, experience, race, connections and more and more in our personality experiences  in a mission

  • SAVE the depressed, the oppressed, the possessed, the disabled, the weak, the orphans, the rejected, the forsaken, the despised, the terrorized, the desolate, the fatherless, the motherless, the dropped outs, the hopeless, the homeless, the buried, the sick, the vision-less, the purposeless, the goalless, the dreamless, the forced out, the pressurized, the infected, the insane, the captives, the diseased, the imprisoned, the blind, the lame, the deaf, the dumb, the paralyzed and the robbed
  •  HEAL, sensitize, educate, enlighten and awake the mind to think; the eyes to see and visualize  the brain to function effectively; the legs to walk and move; the hands to move, hold, grasp and catch; the nose to perceive; the ear to hear, hear rightly and hear excellently; the mouth to speak blessing, confess, declare and empower life.

A potential with the energy, strength, power, ability and grace all from a giver for an assignment; stepping into this assignment is stepping into responsibility and taking up responsibility makes you an ambassador.

I wish you the best in the discovering of your make-up, making and ambassadorial assignment.

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embrace responsibility (3)