Healing on the side is a ministry and a service
that must be executed to everyone who need the touch of a healer.
According to Martin Brofman- We define healing as “returning to the
experience of balance (harmony) and wellness.” One who heals another is helping
the other return to the experience of wellness. Those healing themselves, or
involved in self-healing, are returning themselves to the experience of
Literary, it is the sick that need the touch of a
A person can be sick
An entity can be sick
A community can fall sick
A home also can be sick.
To be sick means
To be in poor health
To be mentally unstable or disturb
Cruel or offensive
To be in a ba1d taste
To be unwell
Sick and tired
Sick to death
Horrible, horrific and dreadful
My focus is not to show the sick but to reveal
the healer.
There is a healer who can heal; there is a person,
whose words, products, actions, cause, reach out, releasing and publishing will
heal the unstable and the disturbed.
If you are the healer, then, there is a job for
you, to revive, to recover, to cure, to make better, to protect, to make free
and to take away.
If you are concern, then you are the Healer, you
carry the healing power, they exist in you, they are in your abilities, in your
talents, in your gifts, in your personality and in your experiences.
This is potential which I am directing your understanding
to. This who we are – our identity.
You can be the healer, healing the homes,
touching the community, the nation, the perplexed, the possessed, the helpless,
the rape victims, the depressed, the drop-outs, the hopeless, and the Sick in
general. This is your assignment while on earth.
Don’t tell me that you do not have any
1 comment:
There is always A HEALING Job to do Everyday. It is about POTENTIAL RESPONSIBILITY. I mean it when I say it. #iamambassadorsam Good Day
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