embrace responsibility

Thursday, 27 April 2017


Continuing from our series, the 5 letter Action words
You will understand fully what you are called and I will want you to have a clear understanding at this point.
We are called a LIGHT; there shouldn’t be any argument with this – You are called LIGHT , that is who you are

Is this clear?
Having any doubt? Take the first part and the second part again and you are good to take the third part.

NOTE: am focusing on the citizen of the kingdom, Members of God family. if you want to KNOW HOW to be part of the family --- JUST ONE STEP. Follow this link >> https://goo.gl/MnOiVg

Now, to today series
Who are you? The answer is I am a Light.

Now let me ask these questions
  • Who is a light?
  • Why a Light?
  • What light Do?
  • What can light do and achieve?
  • What is Light able to do and achieve?
Good questions indeed.

Carefully pay attention to these exposure and I will advise you to focus not on the use of word but the significance and meaning that is attached

The word light in our reference in the context refer to
        - Light, a source of light, radiance
 -  Properly, light (especially in terms of its results, what it manifests);
 -  In the New testament, the manifestation of God's self-existent life; divine illumination to reveal and impart life, through Christ.

Why Light?
It carries the power of illumination

What light Do?
  • It illuminate: it open eyes
  • It gives knowledge

What can light do and achieve?
  • Can changes things and turn it around
  • Light do not make things the same
  • Light do not leave things the way it found it.
  • The appearance of the light is the disappearance of darkness
  • It add colors to the things it exposes or  has contact with
  • Clearly, you will see things around you when you have contact with light
  • You see better, work better and walk better at the availability of light
  • Performance and productivity is heightened when light is made available.

What Light is able to do and achieve?
  • Light is able and capable to make the inefficient efficient
  • Is capable to make the worse, good
  • The ineffective become effective at the appearance of light
  • Turns the wrong to become right
  • Capable of ending all the pains, tumult and groaning
  • Capable of bringing to stop all the works and operation of darkness
  • Capable of bringing to visibility, everything hidden
  • Capable of birthing tremendous change and development to any environment it is available

Hmmmmm, and we are called LIGHT
Who are you?
I am Light

So, what will be your affirmation?

I am a light, set on a hill that cannot be hidden. My presence is the absence of darkness. My touch changes things and turn them around for good. Anywhere I go, I bring peace, tremendous changes and positive impact to lives and situation I encounter

I called you blessed

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embrace responsibility (3)