embrace responsibility

Thursday, 6 September 2012


The I, II, III aspects of WHY of WHAT were helpful to many readers. Thanks to your comments, questions and eagerness for change around you.

Many couldn't understand the reason the WHYs were important, why some are bothered on how to obtain the WHY to their WHATs.

If you are reading this article and haven't read WHY of WHAT I, II, III, It' ll be advisable to first read it before you digest "Asking about WHY".

To my readers; won't there be a reason attach to any things on earth. Even the natural resources, the living animals and non living things contributed a great role to the well being of the society.

So, why would you a living man be living without a reason for existence:
Asking about WHY of every of your WHATs is like asking about how to use or handle an electronic gadget you purchase.

To every electronic gadgets, there are manufacturer instructions or manual attached to it, some of us will experience a direct conversation with the manufacturer while some will consult an expert who can help or a friend, neigbour or colleague around for assistance.

So simple to understand every WHYs that surround your WHATs.

Someone manufacture or create those WHATs, their is a manual provided by the manufacturer to aid your understanding also around is an expert in such specialization that can teach you all things to know about the WHATs while friends, elders, colleagues or neigbours who understand better could be of assistance.

My readers.
Who is the creator?
What is the manual?
Who is the expert?
Who are the others who can help you?

More in the next article.
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