embrace responsibility

Thursday, 6 September 2012


From I, II and III, it was revealed that it is the 'WHY' that answer the purpose and knowing the purpose and agreeing with it was the most pleasing way to appreciate the giver and provider of the 'WHAT'.

If you are just reading this note and you haven't go through the I,II and III aspect, you must belong to those who so much like shortcut but beware; shortcuts aren't the best to Greatness.

There are many things God has assigned to us, there are locations or people either male or female we found ourselves relating with that we must learn to ask why of them around us.

Why are you blessed with that unique memory? Why are you blessed with a natural gifts? Why are you blessed with that Promotion, position or office? Why the House? Why the Grace and anointing? Why that male or female around you? Why such increase in your salary? Why that financial support from uncles, aunties. Parents, or friends? Why those Privileges at your place of work? Why such Patronage in your business? Why that increase in membership strength in your worship center? Why connections with people in diaspora? Why those higher number on your friend's list? Why those experiences and challenges? Why temptations and tests? Why and why of them?

Are you surprise?

There are more opportunities around us that we must be sensitive to discover there reasons of existence.

This is where Responsibility is most needed, the more you are responsible in little thing, the more you'll be able to handle bigger one.

But to please the Giver, learn how to ask the "WHY" of everything around you. When you don't ask why and just stay with the "WHAT", you become ingrate and irresponsible.

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embrace responsibility (3)